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OIIT Computer Institute is Leading ISO 9001:2015 Certified training service provider institute . The Institution’s every effort is harnessed to realize the dream of making the Nation as temple of learning. The millennium will the rise of the information technology has been growing in a geometric progression,computer to IT-World-the growth has exceeded all projections.Information is a best career option now a days in this millennium.IT knowleged is essential for better career advancement.Todays youth like yourself often find themselves challenged to keep pace with change in technology,The better training ,thoughts by full time IT -professionals with real world expertise.Thats where OIIT come in true,So no wait to start now with hand with oiit the most impartanta training provider computre education.MSME Registration No-OD17D0000761,AN ISO CERTIFIED 9001:2015 BY TNV UK.Certificate Regd.No-1710110910102,Certificate can verified on accerditation Board website and on CAB's website ISO CERTIFIED 9001:2015 BY IAF .Certificate Regd.No-19EQBB46,Certificate can verified on accerditation Board website Certificate By National Human Rights Commision ,India,Certification No-7439434855. Pledge Certificate by Central Vigilance Commission Certificate No-7242957645
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